Hi allšŸ˜Š,

A very simple baked custard. Yummiest one.

Bought new ramekins bowl and was looking for some good recipe to inaugurate themšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.

I saw this recipe while surfing the siteā€¦ And by going through the ingredientsā€™ list, could predict that this would taste yum.

This recipe can fill 6-8 ramekins.



4 beaten eggs

1/2 cup sugar

1/4 tsp of cinnamon powder

1/4 tsp of nutmeg powder

1 tsp of vanilla essence

750 ml of full cream milk

Few cherries to garnish


Preheat iven at 180 degree celcius for 10 minutes.

Mix sugar and beaten eggs well.

Add milk, essence and cinnamon powder.

Pour them in ramekins bowl. Sprinkle nutmeg powder. Take a deep tray. Add water till 1/2. Now put bowls in this tray. They are baked in water bath as we do for cheese cake.

Bake at 180 degree celcius for 1 hour or until skewer comes out clean. At this stage, it looks jiggly, but they firm in 5 minutes after taking them out of the oven.

Transfer the bowl on wire rack.

Serve warm or cold.

